Sunday, July 27, 2008

Musee Mecanique...The Conclusion.

My last post about this awesome museum. Because I have been so 'relaxed' about posting, it seems to have dragged on a bit. (But I promise this last Musee post is good!)

This goes under the "What the @#$%*&?!" category. (Fill in your favorite curse word or substitution. I personally don't curse so my version says: What the H E double hockey sticks?!)

Apparently executions back in the penny arcade day were considered great fun for all. There were numerous machines where the theme was an execution. The only difference was the country and style of execution. (French Execution=Guillotine, EnglishExecution=Hanging,etc. )

The other unusual , but popular theme was drugs and drinking!

And now to wrap up this riveting expose, the cute film my daughter made!


Golden Calf said...

Wow, your daughter is so witty and cool, I hope you just laugh at her hilarity all day and buy her that elliptical machine you've promised her since May.

ps: You can be a maid in my house when you're old, don't push your luck or the cigarette idea may make a comeback.

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

Your kid is charming!

Says she will hire you as a maid eh?

I hope she plans on letting you make art to wear and pays you REALLY well!

All joking to the side-
I REALLY love the post.
Her video and all of your text... It was fun to view!

I remember LOVING these machines when I was younger.
We had many carnivals and fairs travel through NYC *WAY* back in my childhood.

Everything is just too cheap looking or watered down these days...
Thank God, there are artists still making beautiful art and fun!
*like you!*
Amber Dawn

pamelahuntington said...

HI Jamie,
Just loved the video your
Taylor made - charming..and
I will miss all the great
musee posts... just love all those
old machines. We need to see more
of them around - I love them so much!
Some of the ones you posted I have
never seen - like the fortune telling
typewriter! I can see a fortune
telling "charm" in your future!

Jen Crossley said...

Your daughter is very cute what a great film

Jamie Noel said...

She is charming and funny and spoiled! The machine I promised her since May?! How about get a job kid! Actually, she is working for me now.She sends out my order responsese and makes all my mailing labels for orders,etc.
So... I ordered her elliptical machine last night. Now you can all breathe a sigh of relief that you won't have to call CPS on this poor neglected child ... (It was from Wal Mart, not one of the thousand dollar health club models!Shh...that's our little secret!)

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

You are SO funny!
I laughed when I read the bit about the ether and who's George!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie ! I am a huge fan ( gush,gush,gush). I don't know if you are in to this sort of thing ( don't worry it's clean) but Alpha Stamps is running an end of summer swap with ........guess what ????.....FORTUNE TELLING ITEMS THAT MOVE.....shocker huh???? Well I saw it and thought of you. Have a great week , Patty

Victorian Lady said...

Hi Jamie!

Sorry it took me a while to get back to you...I wanted to gather something for you and I finally got it! You're right, it is best to come back to your commenter's blog to comment back. I subscribe to 140 blogs and there is no way I could go back to every comment I've made! lol Plus, that way you get to see what the other is up to as well.

My gift to you is the only picture we have of Sara & Aggie in their circus days. They were heavy women and danced in a group called the "Beef Trust." It seems kind of cold, and it was, but it was their ticket away from a hard childhood and I know they don't reget it. They both met their husbands in the circus, but both marriages were short lived (I know one of the husband's died, not sure about the other one) and did not result in any children.

From what I hear, they were excellent dancers! I just about fainted when I found out who taught them to dance...are you ready??? GENE KELLY!!!! He had a studio in PA before he went to Hollywood. I knew I married into this family for a reason! lol

They were really fun women, and I only met them a few years before they died. They had a great sense of humor, and had a fire for life, even as they stayed in their nursing homes. They were the only ones there to still read romance novels and have a fireman's calendar on the wall! Wonder if they ever flirted with Gene Kelly? :)

They were sweet too. Especially Aggie would only have to look at you and you could feel their love for you. I was fresh out of high school at the time, but they said they knew we would marry...and we did six years later!

I would like to give you their photo for only you to use in your artwork, if you want to. I know they would get a kick out of it. I also thought you'd appreciate the bit of history too. :)

I don't have your email to send it though. My email is on my profile. Or you could etsy convo store name is thesearethedays

Thank you for keeping the circus culture alive...I know a lot of the posters were lost just because they were papered over by the next circus coming to town. I appreciate what your doing. :)


Journal Swag said...

Hi Jamie, hope all is well! I did an antique show yesterday and the vendor next to me was selling some vintage rubber stamps that were about 3 inches by 3 inches and each was a separate circus train car. I thought of you. If you're interested, let me know and I'll hook you two up. They were $3.00 each and I think she bought them at Farm Chicks. Take care,

Halo Hill

Little Lovables said...

What a fun blog, I love it!

I gotta say though, I would rather be guillotined... over hanging, and I would rather hang than be drawn and quartered. Poor olden days torture.

Anonymous said...

I awarded you a blog award, but was unable to find your email address, so am sending you the info via a comment!
Thanks for all your inspiration!

I received my first Blog Award today! I feel so very special, I must say a BIG THANK YOU to Connie of Altered Route for being so kind and generous. This is a special award that must be passed on to others, it is perpetual and brings a smile! The rules are to nominate seven blogs with their links and email them. Post this award to your blog with the link going back to the person who awarded it to you, and so on....hence perpetual....wonderful. And thank you Connie.

It is hard to pick just seven blogs, but I narrowed it down to these seven. They are ones I adore and visit often. Ones that I admire, and wish I was as talented as them! They inspire and give me something to hope for!

1. The Holiday Queen
2. Jaime Noel
3. Theresa Martin
4. Amber Dawn
5. Collage Lost and Found
6. Terri Ventura
7. Deb Taylor

Jamie Noel said...

Patty and Brenda,

How do I contact you two? I want to say hello and thank you etc. but you don't have blogs or a profile that I can find.