Friday, July 18, 2008

What's up my sleeve...

I'm taking a break from my Musee Mecanique trilogy to show you what I've been up too. (Okay, you caught me...the real reason is my daughter is asleep and I have no idea how to upload her movie. Damn teenagers and their superior computer skills!)
First what I have not been up to:
Yes, you guessed it: cleaning!
These humiliating photos are of my work table or as I like to call it "Jamie Noel Studios" and my coffee table. My poor husband. This is so distressing to him! I am posting these photos in an attempt to shame myself publicly to the point that I will actually clean this mess up. (I'll keep you updated on the progress.)

The good news is when my house looks like this it means I am in a creative whirlwind. This is when I have a new design idea in my head and I can't do anything else until it is a reality. Correction: I can still do the fun stuff like eat and watch tv, just not the things that will hamper my creative streak. (i.e. clean house, exercise)

I am still having a love affair with these old circus images from my poster collection. I thought these ones looked like they would be plastered on the box cars of a circus train:
So of course I must now create a circus train to plaster them on. (See why I love creating designs?! It's like a little universe I can dictate. I love this...let there be more! I do not like are banished forever! Mwah ha ha!)
So here are the box cars in progress:

The backside is the ad and on the inside I plan to create little scenes of the animals from the ad. (So there is a polar bear car, lion car, etc.) The front side will have bars like a zoo cage and I think they will need wheels. Of course they will need wheels. Wheels that really spin. That would mean little axles... well there goes my whole day!

I'm not sure if these will be chained together in a necklace or a bracelet? Any thoughts?


Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

A brooch with optional pendant bail, that is my vote!
Cool design!
Have you thought of trying large watch gears for the wheels?

Our Hands For Hope said...

It is so funny you think you'll be shamed here in creative blogland...don't you know your among kindred souls? Looks like a fun table to me! If everyone was to eat at the table they wouldn't have created TV trays duh!
Have a blessed day,

Jamie Noel said...

Hey Amber!
I found wheels, but the watchgears idea is great. I'm definately going to use that for something.What is pendant bail?! I'm ignorant and intrigiued!(and obviously too lazy for spellcheck.)

Jamie Noel said...

Come over and play with me and my fun table! Trust me there's lot's more of that kind of 'fun' all over my house.Did you notice the Coke can in the center of it all? That is my live giving elixir. Yes, I know it's completely unhealthy and full of sugar and odd chemicals... I can't help myself! I lost 50 lbs. last year and still I drink my coke. I jog daily and cut back food to drink that stupid stuff.What a great roll model for my daughters!

Journal Swag said...

Oh my gosh, Jamie! Your work space looks almost exactly like mine. (Ok, mine is worse). My messes REALLY distress my husband too. Ugh. I have a work room downstairs that I am trying to convert into a studio (I used to have an antiques/retail business), but it is a LONG process. Probably would help if I could get through the door! I'll have to take photos of my dining room and kitchen so that you feel more comfortable, and trust me, you will feel organized! How did you lose the 50 lbs? Strictly the jogging? I would be ecstatic. You look GORGEOUS, can't believe you have a teenager. Hugs,

Journal Swag said...

Hi Jamie! Great to hear from you! Hey, you are a ROCK STAR! I didn’t know you were going to be in the ME magazine!! You have hit the big time, AND your work really amazes me! That IS odd about the mica. I read somewhere that some sources of mica contain asbestos. I’m not sure if that is the reason, but I’m with you. GEEZ. I actually use glass glitter. I love the look of Mica though, I might get some and compare it to the look of the glitter.

Have you seen Martha Stewart’s new line of glitter? I haven’t used it, but a friend did and I saw what she did. It has the most amazing shine/sparkle I’ve ever seen, and apparently it is a powder. I might get some to play with, but I don’t think I’ll be using any in my soldering work, I want to keep it “real” with glass glitter and actual vintage ephemera instead of copies. I do have a few photos I copy onto photo paper (because I can’t bear to lose the original), but not many. ANYWAY, I have a lot to learn. I am getting a bit faster, so that certainly helps. I’ve got a couple shows coming up, and will be selling some to a two more retail stores in the area (which is why I still haven’t had the time or inventory to post any on Etsy yet.

Thank you so much for looking in on my blog! I love yours

Jen Crossley said...

OH I love the box cars cant wait to see them done. Im with Amber watch wheel will look awesome

Sheila said...

ohhhh I think a bracelet would be very cool! with wheels.....WOW!

Jamie Noel said...

I shuold probably post my table pics to a blog/site for analytical engineer types, because all you kindred spirits are just encouraging my mess! ( you enablers, you!)
I lost my 50 lbs. by finally finding a form of excercise I like. I started walking a pretty trail everyday and listening to books on my i pod while I did it. I am normaly a talkative social person, but I found I really looked forward to this alone quiet time. I did two miles a day and after a few months I often did 5 miles. I also started cutting down my portions and eating heavier lunch and light or no dinner. I've always had bad knees but all the waliking strengthened them and I now jog. I prefer the jogging as the walking was so time cosuming. I can jog in half the time or less. I think the biggest key was finding something I actually enjoyed, because if I don't like it I'm not going to be able to push myself when I don't feel like doing it.

Sheila said...

those turned out soooo cute!! I love my necklace-thank you so much...I will have to start saving my pennies for some train cars...

Amy Steinberg said...

It is so nice to see that not everyones "studio" isn't as pristine as magazines and books would lead you to believe.

Also, I love your work. Very unique and beautiful.

kim said...

Jamie...Just found your blog while browsing on etsy! I am so excited to see a work table that looks like work is being done on a feverish level! There are so many beautiful workspaces featured in the likes of Romantic friend ,Heather Bullard, has a fab space and is featured time and again in different magazines. Oh, how I long for a space like that, so calming, so organized...but wake me up!! Mine is a scattered smattering of glass, beads, jump rings and tiny found doodads all waiting to be fitted into some kind of story box. No matter how much I clean it up and stash it all in individual divided containers it magically spills back onto the workboard in one sitting. Where have all of my fancy drinking glasses gone? Why just look closely and you can find them here and there shrouded in old photos and long swaths of millinery ribbon. I think I may host a "messiest workspace" contest on my blog...just a thought though for now...
Love your work and have enjoyed your blog!


Your work is magic, mezmerizing - wonderful.