Friday, May 30, 2008

Taking the Plunge!

Here it Big Announcement:
(No, I'm not pregnant! Bite your tongue.)

Drumroll please...

Starting June 9 I am going to pursue my jewelry business full time.

Ta da! (I'll now wait for the cheers to die down before I continue.)

Thank you, thank you.

Okay now, please, you're embarrassing me!

Why, you may ask, am I making this decision?

Here are my reasons in an organized little list:

1. Time
Up until now I have been fitting my business in between working part time at an elementary school and going to school to earn my teaching credential. (and a few other things like my children, husband, cooking, laundry, sleep...)
Needless to say it has been stressful and frustrating with late nights and never enough time.

2. Passion
I truly love designing and creating my jewelry. I go to bed thinking about it and wake up excited to begin new projects. I have notebooks filled with designs I want to create. I feel this is my true calling and I believe this really is my talent. (as opposed to housecleaning which is glaringly obviously not my talent...)

3. Income
Let's be honest, as sad as this fact is, even if my business were not to thrive and grow by leaps and bounds, it is still a better source of income than a teachers salary.
Poor underpaid and under appreciated teachers.
(Thank your child's teacher today! Bring them a Starbucks drink! Write them a nice note!)

So there it is. My top 3 reasons.

Wish me luck, tell your friends, and sit back and enjoy the show. You can watch me soar and succeed or crash and burn all from the comfort of your home. It's like a trashy new reality show without the commercials! And Lord knows the world needs yet another new reality show...

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